??? Denmark


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                Danseal A/S is a commercial company who since 1974 has serviced the entire industry in Denmark with a very wide product portfolio.
                Our core competences are sales and marketing of mechanical seals, pump/valve/sheet- and flange gaskets, centrifugal- and positive pumps, laser alignment equipment, couplings and technical products.
                We are a national dynamic organization consisting of 6 external consultants all with a technical background plus 5 internal office, warehouse and workshop employees. Our mission is to work as a preferred sparring partner within our business units instead of just being a supplier. This is not just a phrase to us but this is communicated via a clear strategy, our adaptability, flexibility and our constantly renewal and development.
                Danseal A/S is owned by Ulrich Thychosen & Peter Mortensen.

                Danseal A/S

                Kirstineh??j 38C
                2770 Kastrup

                Tel: +45 32 52 71 00
                Fax: +45 32 52 61 12
                E-mail: post@danseal.dk
                Web site: www.danseal.dk

                Contact person:
                Peter Mortensen
                Tel: +45 20 97 39 30
                Mobile: + 45 20 97 39 30
                Email: peter@danseal.dk

                Danseal A/S er en handelsvirksomhed, der siden 1974 har serviceret hele Danmarks industri med et meget bredt produktprogram.
                Vores kerneomr?£¤der er salg af mekaniske akselt?|tninger, pumpe/ventil/plade- & flangepakninger, centrifugal & positive pumper, laserudstyr, koblinger og tekniske produkter.
                Vi er en landsd?|kkende dynamisk organisation best?£¤ende af 6 eksterne konsulenter alle med teknisk baggrund samt 5 interne kontor- og lagermedarbejdere. Vore m?£¤l er at arbejde som Samarbejdspartner - fremfor blot at v?|re leverand??r. Dette er ikke kun en talem?£¤de for os, men bliver praktiseret via en klar organisationsplan, vores tilpasningsevne og fleksibilitet, samt vores konstante fornyelse og fortsatte udvikling.
                Danseal A/S ejes af Ulrich Thychosen & Peter Mortensen.